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10/09/2024Horny Hour (Ernst H.Störzhendr)

- Jala : Alone in the Hollow Garden & Nam-Khar (Antariksha)

- Possession Framework : Palazzo's Monstrosity Coil (Like Maximilian)

- the Pherenike : English Heretic (The Underworld Service)

- the Battle for Arrakeen : Northr (Santa Sangre Magazine presents: Altered States of Reality Compilation)

- Falsos Profetas (Instrumental Demo) : Cenizacromada

- Rutsu : Empusae (Sphere from the Woods)

- Filtered Air : Sysselman (M.A.D. II)

- Story 16: Hybryds (Dreamscapes from a Dark Side)

-Trance in the Funerary Temple : Totem (M.A.D.)

- the Singing Stones : Úath (Úath)

-Hollow VI : Lifecutter (Hollow)

-the Other Circus : Hostile Surgeru (M.A.D.IV)

-the Hymn of the 7th Illusion (BBC mix) : Barry Adamson +Pan Sonic +the Hafler Trio (Earthen-a Cold Spring sampler)

-Meditertanistan : Spiritczualic Enhancement Centre (Transporting Salt)

- Samori Ture : African Imperial Wizard (Nzinga Mbande)

-Mara : the Haxan Cloak (Excavation)

- the Sheltering Sky : Nyilam (Altered States of Reality Compilation)

- the Filth you are in : Rendeece (Odeipus II-the Blind Priest)

-Crypt Portal : Lefthanded Sign (Shadowgate)

-Agalma VII(Toyor El Janeh ft. Bashar Suleiman, Elvin Brundhi) Drew McDowall (Agalma)

-the Doors of Perception : Io (the Psychedelic Experience of Death) 

Laatst bijgewerkt door Ernst H. Störzhendr. op 11/09/2024.

